"The world is much bigger than you and I," spoke the sage into the looking-glass

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Tell me something...isn't emotion something metaphysical? I mean, can you see it? Can you hear it? Can any of your five senses perceive it? No they can't. You can only see signs of emotion...furrows in your brow when you're angry...or your lips curling upwards inadvertently when you're elated.

If each of us reflects Allah in part, which is a fundamental Muslim belief, then isn't it also true that these emotions that twist and turn our lives also reflect Allah in part?

Allah's anger is mentioned in the Quran, but isn't it also plausible to assume that Allah might also get jealous, feel flattered, be happy, and so on?

A wise elder in my family once said that when you pray (make dua) you should praise Allah in your dua. Allah likes khushamad, he said playfully to us.

Other wise men of the past have said that Allah's love can only fill that heart which houses no other love within its walls. Isn't that another way of describing jealousy?

These are interesting questions and ones that I would really, really like to ask more people of traditional religious thought. Uzer and Niqabi, if you're reading this, I'd love to know your opinions.

Ooty yaar, tu rehnay hi dayeen. :P


Blogger Hasnain said...

Assalam Uzer bhai. Yes it does :). Thanks! I also agree that there's a distinct difference between what Islam teaches us and what we want it to teach us...you know what I mean?

9:23 PM

Blogger Hasnain said...

Well, maybe a part of me wants to envision Allah feeling the whole gamut of "human" emotions, so I can be closer to Him :). But of course, that's a naive fallacy right there.

7:22 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Oz. Big surprise but I beg to differ...And I quote a Hadith from Saheeh Bokhari quoted by Martin Lings:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

I have memorized two kinds of knowledge from Allah's Apostle . I have propagated one of them to you and if I propagated the second, then my pharynx (throat) would be cut (i.e. killed). Bokhari Vol 1:121

This is in response to the hadith u quoted regarding one's holding back of religious knowledge. To my humble head, religious knowledge is not the last nor the most imp. one fer it tells one only about religion. Knwoledge abt one's Creator is more supreme, which does not necessarily follow from religious knowledge alone.

10:21 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry. That quote was Vol 1:121 from Saheeh bokhare from an online version. The actual standard source is bokhari 3:42...

10:24 AM


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